Heather Kramer Almquist Heather Kramer Almquist

ERP Therapy for OCD: What it is and Why it Works

What Is Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP)?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can feel debilitating and relentless, but the good news is that there is a well-researched, highly effective treatment: Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP).

ERP is a gold standard, evidence-based therapy for OCD. Unlike traditional talk therapy, ERP directly targets the cycle of obsessions and compulsions by gradually exposing individuals to anxiety-provoking situations while preventing them from engaging in compulsions.

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Heather Kramer Almquist Heather Kramer Almquist

Kissing by Numbers for Happy Couples

Dr. John and Julie Gottman have been a gold standard for couples counseling for decades. Here are some simple, proven tips from their ongoing research.

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A Wiser Website A Wiser Website

How Processing Trauma in Therapy is Life-Changing and Healing

Trauma is an experience that can have a profound impact on a person's emotional, physical, and psychological well-being. When left untreated, it can lead to a host of issues, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. However, processing trauma in therapy can be life-changing and healing for everyone involved.

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A Wiser Website A Wiser Website

Empowering Neurodiversity with Therapy

When it comes to understanding Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there are many misconceptions that can lead to stigma and misunderstanding. That’s why it’s so important to have an accurate understanding of ASD and the benefits therapy can offer. Read on to learn more about ASD, how therapy can benefit those with ASD, and what support opportunities are out there.

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Music Therapy - How It Can Support You On Your Journey

On World Music Therapy I invite you all to think about the impact that music has had on your life. Pick up an instrument, sing in the car while no one’s looking or watch you favorite live performance on YouTube. We all have been touched by music in one way or another and today is a special day to remember how music has supported us at one time or another in our life, and will continue to be there as we go into the future. Music is always developing and always finding new ways to provide therapeutic value in our lives.

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DBT Skills Groups for Teens: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

DBT skills groups for teens can be an effective way to help your teen manage their emotions, improve their relationships, and live a fulfilling life. These groups teach practical skills that can be used in daily life and have been shown to be effective in improving a range of mental health challenges in teens. If you're considering DBT skills groups for your teen, talk to their therapist or mental health provider to determine if it's an appropriate treatment option. With the right support and dedication, your teen can learn the skills they need to thrive.

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A Little Dirt Never Hurt

The garden Is now producing the fruits of my labor and we are having a great time! Socialization has increased by the meals my garden has brought to the table and delicious earthy flavors have danced on the tongues of many friends. Hard work has alchemized into laughs and joyful memories shared with loved ones. By applying practices to my daily life that I have learned through gardening I am more aware of my symptoms and can manage them better as well. S.A.D. does take a toll during the colder season but spending time in my garden reminds me to take the time to nurture myself for winter seasons to come. If S.A.D. during the wintertime is something that you have struggled with try to get your hands in some dirt. I know it's helped me, maybe it'll help you too! As they say “a little dirt never hurt”!

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Everything You Need to Know About Art Therapy

Children, Adolescents, Adults, Older Adults, Groups and Families needing treatment for:

depression, anxiety, or other social-emotional problems, substance abuse, sexual abuse and/or domestic violence, emotional adjustment to a physical or mental disability, trauma, coping with a medical illness, marital difficulties, family relationship issues, eating disorders, and more.

In other words, anyone of any age and background can benefit from art therapy!

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Experiencing grief? This guide is here to help you through it.

Managing the complex emotions that come with grief isn’t easy, but it can be done. Seeking support from family, friends, and/or professionals can help you face the challenging emotions that come with loss. Remember to practice self-care and compassion as you find your way through this difficult time. With patience and understanding of yourself, you will eventually find a sense of peace and healing. Sending you so much love. Remember that we are here to support you.

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Unlocking the Benefits of Therapy for Children: A Guide for Parents

Therapy can provide children with lifelong skills and help them flourish despite any challenges they may face. Parents play a crucial role as allies and advocates throughout the therapeutic process. By utilizing the tips and tools mentioned in this article, you can help your child access the many benefits of therapy and allow them to experience the transformative power of healing.

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Pride 2021

I marched in the first Pride that I attended. It was a complete accident - a way for my straight cis-male white boss to virtue signal to the board of the company I worked for that he was inclusive.

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